Easy Tips to Check your Heart Health at Home; Catch These Signs!
To live longer, you must keep your heart healthy. Those suffering from hypertension or a weak heart can follow the tips mentioned here to monitor their heart health at home. Of course, these aren’t substitutes for a doctor visit; but they help to keep a tab on your heart so that you are alert of any sign of disorder. Arlington doctors office is equipped with a lab that conducts a cholesterol panel and measures blood pressure. Both are related to heart health. Self-monitor your blood pressure For this, you must have a basic knowledge of blood pressure and what measurement is normal. Blood pressure is the pressure at which blood flows through your arteries. The pressure can go up or down during the day, depending on your physical activity. This is normal. The pressure is considered abnormally high or low when it stays at that measurement for long or even when you are resting. Normal blood pressure reading: less than or at 120/80 mm Hg. Here, 120 is the ...